
amsterdam trip

One of those ideas. let’s go to amsterdam.

lucky me i know annalena who offered us her apartment (you will read about her beautiful flat soon here on this blog). so we spent a few days in amsterdam and i fell in love with this city and their people and annalenas flat as well. a friend warned me: it always rains in amsterdam … and unfortunately he was alwmost right just one day from 6 was sunny, but that one day made it for the rest of the week.

we weren’t prepared, so it was even more luck that we started to chat with teun who works at rum baba. my favorite cafe in amsterdam and that is why it get’s it’s very own post soon.  teun just gave us some tips where to go and what to do. and we followed his recommendation to walk around the jordaan area, we even got some maps.


meet treun from rum baba – it’s his “fault” that we found the beautiful corner’s from amsterdam

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the amsterdam version of a berlin “litfass säule” 



lunch at piqniq & we had some company from a sleeping cat next to me


we made some freinds…

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and had a lot of very good food, like this delicious kaffee & kuchen at caffe il momento

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look who is sitting there playing with his mobile phone :-)

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