The creative and unsettled mind of mine is always looking for some help to settle down. While yoga and meditation are nice tools, music is the way to go for me.
Frederick & Fischer providing beautiful music and guided meditations to calm down and find peace in a restless time.
My boyfriend Jonathan Fischer is a musician and composer and the other half – Frederick is a qigong teacher and also doing beautiful guided meditations, his calm voice really supports this style of meditation.
Listen or buy
You can find their music on Spotify, Youtube and various other platforms or support them by buying the Album on Amazon, iTunes or Google for only € 6.99.
The creative and unsettled mind of mine is always looking for some help to settle down. While yoga and meditation are nice tools, music is the way to go for me.
Frederick & Fischer providing beautiful music and guided meditations to calm down and find peace in a restless time.
My boyfriend Jonathan Fischer is a musician and composer and the other half – Frederick is a qigong teacher and also doing beautiful guided meditations, his calm voice really supports this style of meditation.
Listen or buy
You can find their music on Spotify, Youtube and various other platforms or support them by buying the Album on Amazon, iTunes or Google for only € 6.99.