Random Tools

small space solutions for cable, pen and paper

pen and paper holder

#tools #helpful #goodtoknow

i had to move with work place from my beloved work space in the kitchen to the living room to a very small place. and un-tidy areas confuses me and stop me from being creative, especially cable salad drives me NUTS … so if the place became smaller the cretivity to deal with that had to grow. I really needed a place|possibility to write down or sketch ideas when they come to my head, but anything I tried was either to big or i smashed it when i moved the mouse from my imac. this works best and is also sustainable, becuae i use used paper I am still not satisfied, because I don’t have a place to paint and sketch and put all my “tools” somewhere easily to reach. but anyways, it was a fine step forward.

cable holder
cable holder
cable holder
cable holder
pen and paper holder
pen and paper holder for easy and quick access