Ryoko – Place for the Senses
Ryoko is the name of Ryoko Hori and also the name of a beautiful place in Neukölln, a place to fill the soul with peace and sents – and much more.
Klunkerkranich Roof Top Bar in Berlin Neukölln
After a very long and exciting day in Neukölln, one of our last stops was supposed to be the Klunkerkranich, one of the…
Neukölln in Pictures
We now reach almost the end of our Neukölln Tour, and this post wasn’t planned actually. But I spoke to someone from New…
Hunger auf Neukölln
Von Michael Hetzinger – Meine „Da will ich hin“-Restaurant-Liste wurde in den letzten Jahren länger und länger. Schuld daran: Neukölln. Keine Frage also, dass ich mich begeistert der Neukölln-Tour von about curiosity anschließe.
California Dreaming – Macrame in Berlin
If you’d ask me to name just one single trend in interior, it would be succulents. They are everywhere. So the beautiful macrame…